Saturday, April 16, 2011

Where Can I Find Inexpensive Books To Sell Online

In an earlier blog I gave you the following sources to find used books:

Garage Sales
Rummage Sales
Thrift Stores
Good Will
Salvation Army
Library Sales
Large BookSale Events

Yet there are so many more places to look for great books.  However, if you find a big source, chances are many more people have found or will shortly find the same great source!

For many online book sellers you will need to turn to creative ways to find new sources. My sister takes big selling penny books to a used bookstore and trades them in for credit. She knows the used book store will want the books because they are still selling well, even though they have recently dropped in price. Then she uses the credit to find some "expensive treasures" among the used book store shelves.  But she admits that this is slow and a bit tedious.

I wonder if the real secret is NOT finding secret sources, but turning known sources into an exclusive source!

In the end it comes down to being able to scan books before anyone else scans them! And that takes personal relationships and a good sales pitch as described in the Benefit Bookstore Method!

If you want to check out the Benefit Bookstore Method head over to For less than $80, most likely far less than you will make on your first exclusive deal you will land, you can get the benefit bookstore method. You really need to try it!

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