Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Using Bluetooth Scanners to Read ISBN Numbers

My two bluetooth scanners - the first is a soccet scanner. The second is a microvision scanner (marketed under the name NCR.)

I have used two types of scanners over the last 4 years. First, I used a Microvision click scanner. This was nice and usable. It had a very long batter life. The connection to my PDA was easy and straightforward. You did have to physically "push" it in order to get the laser to move and read your bar code.

I then moved to a Socket brand scanner. This was twice the price, but a very nice scanner. A soft touch to the button got it to read the bar codes. This scanner kept the laser "moving" on its own so the battery has to be recharged every day. If you are going to scan dozens of books I strongly recommend you get a socket type scanner.

When using this type of hand held scanner you either have to rely on the sound or have your PDA in a place where you can see it.  When I rely on the sound I like to put the PDA in my pocket and have ear plugs to listen to the sound in private.

Bar code scanners are helpful in helping you to locate valuable books, however, they are only part of how you obtain many great books.

If you want to learn how to find dozens of great books before others are able to scan them then check out the Benefit Bookstore Method!

How To Ship Books Safely and Inexpensively

If you are looking to be able to ship your books in an inexpensive manner here is a short video explaining how my daughter and I shipped hundreds of packages with no complaints!

Here are Amazon's official instructions for shipping -

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Sell Books On Amazon

First, don't buy any ebooks that tell you how to sell on Amazon. That is because Amazon gives you an excellent primer on how to get started. You can find it right on their website here: Start Selling On Amazon

If you want to learn more, I have written three articles that can be of help over at  You can access the first article here: Starting An Amazon Business

If you are interested in making a decent living at selling books you will need a good strategy to set up your business model.  Many individuals learn about ISBN book scanners and are awed at the ability to scan a book and instantly know its worth.

Book scanners are great devices, ones like they sell at (the one I use) and as well as services that give instant price information on your cell phone are wonderful devices, but they do not constitute a business model.

Without any thought, individuals, armed with their new device or service set up a business model which consists of going to book sales, thrift stores and garage sales basically "hunting and pecking" much like a vulture does, looking for good books.  For many, this works for a while, but eventually an income "cap" happens limiting the upward potential of profits.

In most cases this "cap" occurs because of an inability to get good books to sell.  Many business models are set up to do the following:
1. Hunt and peck to find books of value
2. Clean and sort books
3. List books according to Amazon's Category listings
4. Store books according to a SKU system that helps you pull the books once purchased
5. Pull, pack and ship books

The above business model works well as long as there is a good supply of books headed into the system.  However, most small online book businesses run into trouble with #1 above!  Everything works well, except finding a steady flow of good, inexpensive used books.

You can find a steady, good flow of used books by setting up a slightly different business mode.  You have to replace #1 above by the following:
1. a. Establish Relationships with librarians, book sale directors and thrifty store managers
1. b. Meet with and offer these individuals your services which will help them and allow you to scan their books before they go on sale to the public
1. c. Regularly scan books before they go on sale to others

The above is a very different model!  One that is very possible - if you can make friends!  If you are interested in this very different model you can check out how to effectively execute this model at

With a simple "adjustment" to your business model you can reach new heights!

Monday, November 22, 2010

One Million Books!

This is a fun video even if a bit dated.  A bookstore in the middle of nowhere!

We cannot promise you will get a million books anytime soon, but if you are looking for a dramatically different yet highly effective way to obtain books, then check out the Benefit Bookstore Method!

Should I Buy Good or Acceptable Books To Sell?

A question many booksellers have to wrestle with are the risks of selling books that are in "good" to "acceptable" condition.

Here are a few general rules I have followed and have been able to maintain a 99% feedback rating.

Make sure you accurately categorize your books.  If you are on Amazon, follow Amazon's rules!  (If you are not sure of Amazon's rules you can check out their Selling On Amazon Page that will help you with all kinds of information

Next, if the book is dirty, then clean it.  Sometimes you can help the individual feel better about their "good" or "acceptable" book by cleaning it up a bit.  I have also taken out title pages if they are extremely marred or dirty.  I have never yet had someone complain that the title page is missing!  Another small hint, if the outside pages are dirty a small piece of sandpaper can quickly clean them up!  Just be careful you don't sand the front and back cover.

Finally, include a small piece of paper or include a note on the packing slip that explains that you listed this book as "good" or "acceptable" and include Amazon's description of what "good" or "acceptable" is to help them understand that you have categorized the book correctly.

A small bit of care should allow you to sell both "good" and "acceptable" books without negative ramifications!

If you are interested in selling more books than you though possible, find out how to obtain more books than you though possible!  Find out about the Benefit Bookstore Method.

Where Can I Find Books To Sell Online

A basic question all online sellers ask is where to find books to sell online.  Because there is no "supplier" that will sell cheap books with an online value it is up to each of us to locate a supply of inexpensive books.

In some ways you are a bit like gold diggers.  You have to learn where to pan that will bring in a decent amount of gold dust to make your efforts worth while.

So where do you go to be able to find great books to sell?  Here are a few suggestions:

Garage Sales
Rummage Sales
Thrift Stores
Good Will
Salvation Army
Library Sales
Large BookSale Events

If you are looking for a way to get a steady stream of books to sell for your online shop I recommend the Benefit Bookstore Method!  You can find out more about the Benefit Bookstore Method at